Tour of Te Puia

This year 2009 we visited Te Puia it was awesome.We had a Guide that gave us a tour around the grounds. Our guide's name was Weronika. We saw Mud pools and Hot geysers that flew metres in the air. We also saw a helicopter it was so much fun. We saw villages of how Maoris in the olden days lived their lives. We had another guide who told us a story about a Maori myth of two taniwhas and how they made the geysers in Rotorua and beyond. We had an awesome time....

Stage Challenge 2009

This year I participated in Stage Challenge... It was held on the 26Th of May 2009.
It was so much fun. Five other schools participated.There were 3 Primary's, One Middle School, and also one High School. This picture shows is us practicing our performance for Stage Challenge. We were awarded a participation certificate, and also a certificate for choreography.
We were jumping and screaming because we were so overjoyed. We all worked very hard and the teachers and supporters worked very hard to make it possible. We all give thanks to them. That reminds me their names are Whaea Taki, Miss English, Nikki, Mr Eunson, also others but their names haven't come to me yet. We all worked together in this activity and had so much fun.. I hope next year that I will participate in this event and that it will be as much fun.....

Marae stay 2009

This is a picture of us being welcomed on to the Marae by the Tangata Whenua.

We all had to put our heads down to show respect for their Marae and Ancestors. We felt free and very welcome to be a part of there family after the welcome. We first had had to take our shoes off and take a spot in lines. For the waiata and the prayer. Mr Boyd was talking and thanking the Tangata Whenua for the welcome and the fabulous waiata. Then it was our turn to sing a waiata and we sung He Honore. Which we sung so beautifully. The man or the Tangata Whenua's name was Mr Kennedy. We were off to Te Puia and we thanked Mr Kennedy for the lovely morning.....I so want to go back for a night....


Hey people name is Shontayia or Shonni for short.....♥

I am 11 years old turning 12 in May the 17 May...........♥

I am attending Kaitao at the moment and in the Accelerate team♥

Room 3. My teacher is the wonderful Miss D or Miss Donaldson. Shes so cool....♥

..I play Netball and I made it in to Kowhai team...Its pretty cool. ♥

Well I'm in Bosson House.......We won the Term 1 House competition......♥

My favorite subjects are, Art, Science, Technology, and P.E......♥

I'm a very sporty person love being active and running to most places.♥

I want to say hi to all my mates:
  • Kelsey
  • Neveda
  • Arihia
  • Tayla
  • Roimata
  • Kasha
  • Jante.

Hope you guys I mean gals are alright and kicking back and working hard, so that's my life,
later peace out..............................♥♥♥♥♥♥